The Joy of Being Uncomfortable

4 min readFeb 26, 2021

Today, it is very easy to get comfortable living our lives. We as a human race have overcome many of the obstacles that held our ancestors back from being able to ever truly relax. We don’t have to hunt, grow and preserve our own food through a long and hard process. We don’t have to handbuild houses and light them up by candlelight. Back then everything you wanted or needed you had to make or find someone who had the ability to make it. Without modern medicine, people faced more casualties. People who lived years ago could not live comfortably because if they did they would risk death or other issues.

In today's world however we have become comfortable, not necessarily a bad thing, however, it is very true. To get the things we need now we don’t even need to go to a store we can simply get on any phone or computer and have it arrive at our home hours later. We don’t even have to cook if we don’t want to because fast food, delivery, and restaurants exist everywhere.

The new era of Covid-19 has brought us all back to a stage of living on the edge. With so many unknowns and so many risk factors that we have to avoid or follow every day and with the consistent threat of it infecting and harming one of your family members this kind of threat is something, most of us haven’t faced in our lifetime. We are so used to waking up working the nine to five and coming home in the same loop of reality that everybody finds ourselves in. A quote from CBS’s walking dead said “If your safe enough to be bored you lucky.” Of course, the circumstances of having to survive a zombie apocalypse are quite different than any literal thing any of us have faced her words still apply to us. In this face-paced world, it is so easy for us to get sucked into Netflix, Youtube, and Movies where we feel bored from even these premium source of entertainment often forgetting how much we miss the simple days of childhood or boredom until we are put in positions that make us feel uncomfortable.

Of course, while I am not asking you to go stand on the edge of a bridge to feel a sense of rush or purpose, I am questioning you to think about the choices you make every day. Are you comfortable? When was the last time you tried a new food or on a whim got up and went to a place you’ve never been? When was the last time that when you got lost you simply explored the new surrounding taking in the rush of the unknown? What are you truly afraid will happen? Embarrassment? Frustration? If you don’t face any of these emotions you will never know what it's like when you accomplish them.

So, that brings up the question of how do we refresh our life to make us more productive so that we can be motivated to take risks. So I devised 3 simple resets to become the best you that you can be during unprecedented times.

Step one: Refresh Your Space
Now that we are only supposed to go outside for limited reasons living in the same space without change for months on end will slow down your productivity, something important to have if you want to make the best of a bad situation. Refresh your area by moving around furniture or going through and organizing your drawers. Sort through all your stuff to be safely donated. Order some new lights, a painting, or some plants to give your space some new light. Making your bed and cleaning up your space has been proven to start a cycle of productivity.

Step two: Refresh Yourself
We’ve all been sitting in the same cloud of hot air untouched by a stylist for a long time sometimes all it takes to get the motivation to try something new is a fruit salad and a warm shower. Try eating a healthier diet to feel more energized and vibrant. Try a new hairstyle or makeup do. Take that one shirt you cannot let go of but hate to wear and upcycle it into something new and original that you love. Go on a run or try a home workout. Taking initiative over your body and mind can help anybody get out of a funk and feel inspired.

Step three: Follow Your Dream
What is it that you have always wanted to accomplish? Maybe it's reading through the entire Harry Potter series or learning to play a new instrument. Maybe you love reading blogs on Medium and you want to start writing your own. Have you been putting off starting your own business or wanted to try that new recipe for what feels like forever? Whatever it is that you’ve been wanting to do ask yourself what holding you back and start working towards and achieving that goal.

With those three simple steps, it will not be difficult to accomplish any dream you wish to achieve. If you take care of yourself and your space and respect them you will be more productive and motivated to do the things you never dared to do before.




Hey, I am a high school student with a passion for writing everything and anything that comes into my head, from politics to education to opinion pieces.